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Unreal Vegan

vegan restaurant with holograms

You're likely no stranger to the rising demand for plant-based options, but have you stopped to think about what's driving this trend? As consumers become increasingly conscious of their environmental footprint and health, brands like Unreal Vegan are stepping up to the plate. With a range of creative, vegan-certified products that are as tasty as they are sustainable, Unreal Vegan is redefining the possibilities of plant-based eating. But what sets them apart from the rest, and how are they pushing the boundaries of veganism?

Vegan Roots of Unreal Deli

You might be surprised to learn that the idea for Unreal Deli was born out of a desire to revamp the traditional deli experience, rooted in a rich family history. Jenny Gross, the great-granddaughter of Morris Gross, was inspired to create a plant-based deli experience that would appeal to a new generation of consumers.

As a nod to her family's heritage, Jenny drew inspiration from her great-grandfather's love of rich, dark chocolate. She envisioned a deli experience that would pair perfectly with a slice of decadent chocolate cake or a handful of chocolate-covered nuts.

Free From Animal Products

As you navigate the world of Unreal Vegan, you'll notice that their products are carefully crafted to be free from animal products. This commitment to plant-based ingredients is reflected in their Four Corned Beef Flavors, which use wheat gluten to provide a satisfying texture.

Four Corned Beef Flavors

You're about to uncover the thrilling world of Unreal Vegan's four corned beef flavors, free from animal products! These pioneering flavors are a game-changer for plant-based diets.

Let's delve into the unique flavor profiles:

  • Smoked Paprika Spice Blend
  • Garlic and Black Pepper
  • Spicy Korean Gochujang Flavor
  • Classic Deli Style

Smoked Paprika Spice Blend

What sets Unreal Deli's plant-based corned beef apart is their proprietary Smoked Paprika Spice Blend, which infuses a rich, smoky flavor into their Four Corned Beef Flavors. This unique blend elevates the flavor profile, making it a game-changer for vegan deli meats.

Flavor Profile Key Ingredients Taste Experience
Smoky & Savory Smoked Paprika, Garlic, Black Pepper Rich, meaty flavor
Spicy & Zesty Paprika, Chili Flakes, Cumin Bold, adventurous taste
Classic & Traditional Paprika, Coriander, Caraway Hearty, comforting flavor
Savory & Umami Mushroom Powder, Onion Powder, Thyme Earthy, satisfying taste

| Tangy & Invigorating | Lemon Peel, Black Pepper, Parsley | Bright, revitalizing flavor

Garlic and Black Pepper

With Unreal Deli's Garlic and Black Pepper flavor, you get a savory and aromatic twist on traditional corned beef, minus the animal products.

This plant-based corned beef alternative offers a modern take on classic deli meats, catering to vegan diets.

The Garlic and Black Pepper flavor adds depth and warmth, making it a great option for sandwiches or salads.

Spicy Korean Gochujang Flavor

Unreal Deli's Spicy Korean Gochujang flavor takes the traditional corned beef to the next level, offering a bold and adventurous twist on a classic favorite, all while remaining free from animal products.

You'll experience a unique flavor profile that's both spicy and savory, without compromising on taste or texture.

Enjoy this delicious vegan corned beef alternative!

Wheat Gluten Provides Texture

Now that you've gained a better understanding of how Unreal Deli uses wheat gluten to create a meat-like texture in their vegan corned beef, let's delve into the other key ingredients that work together to make this product so convincing.

You'll notice that tapioca starch, potato starch, and oat fiber all play crucial roles in binding and retaining moisture, and these ingredients are vital to achieving the perfect balance of texture and flavor.

Here's a breakdown of how each of these ingredients contributes:

  • Tapioca starch helps bind ingredients together for a cohesive texture
  • Potato starch retains moisture, ensuring a juicy bite
  • Oat fiber adds extra binding power, enhancing the overall structure

These ingredients work in harmony to create a vegan corned beef that's remarkably similar to the real thing.

Tapioca Starch for Binding

How do you achieve a chewy, elastic texture in vegan baked goods without relying on wheat gluten, a common binding agent that's off-limits to vegans?

You turn to tapioca starch, a plant-based alternative derived from the cassava root. This versatile ingredient provides structure, creating a chewy texture in gluten-free recipes while being free from common allergens like wheat.

Potato Starch for Moisture

You can count on potato starch to lock in moisture in vegan deli meat alternatives, creating a juicy texture that's free from animal-derived ingredients.

Potato starch helps retain moisture, while wheat gluten provides texture, making Unreal Vegan products a delicious, plant-based option.

This combination guarantees a satisfying taste and mouthfeel, making it easy to go vegan.

Oat Fiber for Binding

As you explore the world of vegan deli meat alternatives, you'll find that oat fiber is a game-changer when it comes to binding ingredients together, creating a cohesive texture that's free from animal-derived products.

Wheat gluten provides the necessary chew. Oat fiber's binding properties imitate eggs, while wheat gluten adds a satisfying texture, making vegan alternatives feel more realistic.

Honey in Dark Chocolate

sweet and indulgent treat

As you investigate the world of vegan chocolate, you might wonder what other ingredients you need to watch out for.

Besides gelatin in marshmallows, you'll want to be aware of palm oil in chocolate, and now, honey in dark chocolate.

Let's take a closer look at these common non-vegan ingredients that can sneak into your treats.

Gelatin in Marshmallows

As you venture into the world of veganism, you'll encounter some surprising non-vegan ingredients in seemingly harmless treats. Take marshmallows and dark chocolate, for instance, which often contain gelatin and honey, respectively.

Here are some other sneaky non-vegan ingredients to watch out for:

  • Carmine, a red food dye derived from crushed insects
  • Confectioner's glaze, a food coating made from shellac, a resin secreted by the lac bug
  • Lanolin, a waxy substance extracted from sheep's wool, sometimes used in chocolate coatings
  • Other animal-derived ingredients hiding in your favorite treats

Carmine in Red Food Dye

You might be surprised to find that your favorite red-colored treats, from fruit juices to candy, may contain a secret ingredient: carmine, a vibrant red dye derived from crushed cochineal insects.

This unexpected ingredient is commonly used in food products, including candies, beverages, and cosmetics.

Be cautious and check labels to avoid carmine in your vegan diet.

Confectioner's Glaze in Coatings

When indulging in seemingly vegan treats, beware of confectioner's glaze, a common coating ingredient derived from insects that can render your favorite sweets non-vegan.

You'll also want to check dark chocolate labels for honey, a non-vegan ingredient.

And, don't forget to scrutinize marshmallows, which often contain gelatin, another non-vegan culprit.

Lanolin in Chocolate Coatings

Two common offenders in the world of vegan treats are lanolin in chocolate coatings and honey in dark chocolate. When you're scanning labels, keep an eye out for lanolin, a stabilizer and emulsifier derived from sheep's wool. It's often hiding in chocolate coatings, making them non-vegan.

Be sure to read labels carefully to avoid this sneaky ingredient.

Palm Oil in Chocolate

Now that we've examined the significance of honey in dark chocolate, it's time to investigate another vital aspect of chocolate production: the use of palm oil.

As you consider your chocolate options, you'll want to be aware of the following ingredients that may raise concerns for vegans:

  • Beeswax in Chocolate Coatings
  • Shellac in Food Glaze
  • Refined Sugar in Chocolate
  • Soy Lecithin in Chocolate.

Understanding the role of these ingredients is paramount to making informed choices about the chocolate you eat.

Beeswax in Chocolate Coatings

Frequently, you'll find beeswax listed as an ingredient in chocolate coatings, including dark chocolate, serving as a glazing agent to give your treats a glossy finish.

This means that some dark chocolates aren't vegan due to the beeswax content.

Always check labels for beeswax, honey, and sustainably sourced palm oil to ensure that your chocolate aligns with your values.

Shellac in Food Glaze

You may be surprised to learn that another common non-vegan ingredient lurking in your favorite treats is shellac, a resin secreted by the lac insect, which is often used in food glazes to add shine and a protective coating.

This means that seemingly vegan-friendly candies like chocolate-covered nuts and fruits may contain shellac, making them non-vegan.

Refined Sugar in Chocolate

When indulging in dark chocolate, be mindful that some brands sweeten their products with honey, making them non-vegan.

You'll also find palm oil, which raises environmental concerns.

Always read labels carefully to make sure the chocolate you choose is vegan-friendly. Look for labels that explicitly state 'vegan' or opt for brands that use alternative sweeteners and sustainable ingredients.

Soy Lecithin in Chocolate

Soy lecithin, a common additive in chocolate production, plays a crucial role in improving the texture and shelf life of your favorite treats. As a vegan, it is important to understand the ingredients in your chocolate. Here's a breakdown of what to look for:

Ingredient Purpose Vegan-Friendly?
Soy lecithin Emulsifier Yes
Honey Sweetener No
Palm oil Flavor enhancer Depends on source
Refined sugar Sweetener Yes

| Cocoa | Main ingredient | Yes

Veganism Meets Unreal Innovation

As the vegan movement gains momentum, Unreal Vegan is pushing the boundaries of pioneering, merging traditional flavors with plant-based twists that tantalize the taste buds.

You might be surprised to learn that Unreal Deli offers the world's forefront plant-based, vegan corned beef, revolutionizing traditional deli meat options. But that's not all – their products are vegan certified, non-GMO verified, and made with Fair Trade Certified, responsibly-sourced ingredients.

When it comes to sweet treats, Unreal Vegan Chocolates are a game-changer. With high-quality, natural ingredients, they cater to both vegans and non-vegans alike. Customers rave about the taste and quality, although some find the pricing slightly high for the quantity received.

Luckily, you can find Unreal Vegan Chocolates at competitive prices on, making it easy to indulge in delicious vegan treats online.

With Unreal Vegan, you can indulge in pioneering, plant-based delights that will satisfy your cravings without compromising your values.


You've delved into the world of Unreal Vegan, a brand that's revolutionizing the plant-based food industry.

From vegan corned beef flavors to certified chocolates, Unreal Vegan is committed to using non-GMO verified and responsibly sourced ingredients.

With a focus on innovation and sustainability, Unreal Vegan offers delicious alternatives that appeal to both vegans and non-vegans alike.

By choosing Unreal Vegan, you're supporting a brand that's dedicated to making a positive impact on the environment and your taste buds.

Mike Halladay

Mike Halladay

Hey! Mike Here! I love all things vegan. I am a Dad of 2 youngs boys and a food lover and amateur Chef. I transitioned to being a Vegan 9 years and it was one of the best decisions I have made in my life. My health and lifestyle improved beyond belief! This is why I started to spread the word!

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